The feeds that you have collected and all the articles that you have marked as favorite, represent important data that you don’t want to lose due to technical problems, accidentals deletions, mistakes in iCloud settings, or any other reason. Sometimes it’s also convenient to move or copy your News Explorer data from one iCloud account to another. The backup feature of News Explorer helps you with all these scenarios, and works independently of other backup solutions like Time Machine.
You can make a database backup at any time in the macOS, iOS or iPadOS editions of News Explorer.
Follow these steps to make a database backup on the macOS edition:
Follow these steps to make a database backup on the iOS or iPadOS edition:
Restoring a database backup can only be performed with the macOS edition of News Explorer. Restoring a backup includes restoring the data in iCloud, when iCloud sync is enabled. This means that once a backup has been restored, your other devices with News Explorer will receive the same restored data via iCloud sync.
When you restore a database, the current data will be replaced with the data in the backup file. Depending on the age of the backup file, this means that you will lose all data after the backup file has been made. However, some of these lost articles will re-appear in News Explorer because they are still part of current RSS feed data.
Make sure that all your devices run News Explorer 1.9.9 or newer. Older versions are incompatible with the iCloud data structure that is being used by News Explorer database restore procedure.
Restoring data to iCloud may lead to rejections of the iCloud server if your iCloud account generates too many requests in a short time. This may happen when you have other devices with News Explorer connected to internet, that are all trying to get in sync real-time with the new restored data, or even worse, are trying to merge local old data with the new data in iCloud.
Perform the following steps on all your other devices with News Explorer, to prevent any iCloud server interruptions or data merging:
Follow these steps in the macOS edition of News Explorer to restore a database backup:
Perform the following steps on your other devices, after the Database restore completion dialog has been presented: